(in the photos by appearance: the mars mannequin, Alex, Lily, Mikey, c-squat)Yay, so then the second day of the launch came, Sunday, the mars bar event.
I wasn't expecting anything, packed my paint and went. It was a Paola shift. Nothing against Paola, she's very nice, but her shifts tend to be empty, which I actually very much liked.
I need to grow into my own project, so for now it's good, if there isn't too much hype about "Bloody Hands" It will come :).
Brian was there, the older guy with the glasses who is always there. And two girls, args, yesterday I still remembered their names, Dom and ?, and Paola. So I did my hands, and then Brian had the idea, to leave traces at mars, on the mannequin we decided. It became a group thing. The group decided to put bloody hand print traces on the girls boobs, ass and pussy. Very female.
The greatest thing was, that my two best girlfriends, Alex and Lily showed up, and they wanted bloody hands. Lily said "the convenant again". We had many very fruitful convenant situations together. Three women. The Whore, the Virgin and the Warrior. The 3 witches, a trinity, you know, that power dynamic. It's been really cool. So here we go again: The first 3 people with officially and witnessed Bloody Hands as a group, 3 women. Alex's in form of stigmata, which was the way she wanted it. I can see why, she's Jesus :).
Jean-Paul, as a man, and my first partner in this project has not had bloody hands yet. It makes a lot of sense to me.
The Baroness is writing me about it regularly though. Her first hands were red of her hair dye, the second were red of beets that she was cutting for cooking. Also very female. Oh well, if there is one female female in New York, let it be the Baroness! She is amazing and so is her doing.
This morning I received pictures from my third best girlfriend - I have 3 - Soma from LA. Yay to women, yay to sisterhood. Nika and Flouer are writing me as well, my sister is, my Mom is - active feedback is coming from women not so close to me, who get involved without that I am motivating them to (thanks for saving me energy :)). It is very apparent that up to this point women are the ones taking action, the ones reflecting actively.
Oh there are men, sure thing, first of all Jean-Paul, but also many others. Many men call me and want to meet me to talk about it, say they don't understand it and would like to know more. Many discussions have already taken place, while men are more absorbing so far. It is very interesting, and I see this as a good solid base building for a great social sculpture.
The only man who wanted to have red hands so far was Markko and he is gay, so there is some ton of female energy there. Bloody Hands has a great amount of active female energy in it and of sisterhood. Ha, that's about time, in my opinion the world lacks sisterhood, not brotherhood. Men know, how to work and live together... oh well, except for the war bullshit.
I am a woman, I transform myself, sisterhood with other women carried this into the world on the second launch. Oh no, no exclusion of men. Some good social sculpture transformation needs all types of energy. This is building.
At mars I saw a sign put up of somebody who had lost a bag. I felt like helping to find it, so I called for more information. Turns out it was a guy's bag named Enoch from c-squat. Small world - and it had his basis for his existence in the bag, expensive shears for cutting hair. Somebody stole it. The underground world is a very tough environment and it is surely very hard to try to climb up to the surface - all subcultures know that. After drinking with the girls I decided to stop by at c-squat, it was about 10 and I was tipsy.
On my way through Thompkins I took the second row. For those who don't know Thompkins Square Park, now it's really pretty, it used to be the junkie park though in Alphabet City. There are still lots of bums, punks, homeless and second row is the row where the younger generation of scum hangs out.
So there they were, the homeless, drug addicts, the waste of society in human form. They were sitting like excited in front of the TV, because there was a fight building up. Yeah, something is happening in their small little world. How much difference is there though to us all watching war on TV? They just don't have a TV. One guy was hitting another with a crutch.
In my Bloody Hands mojo, I walked straight towards the guy with the crutch - a muscular, rather good looking, young man - and said: "Stop it now". I walked right into him, put my hand on his chest and said: "Put the crutch down, you are smarter than this, it's not worth it." The guy did immediately. What a surprise. I didn't not stop walking, leaving the scenario behind. He said: "Let me walk with you", and I said sure. We talked and walked over to c-squat and I told him he had to leave now. He didn't want to, he wanted to kiss me, but he understood and did. I forgot his name (note to self: write down names).
So, it works. People understand. There is reason, even in very broken people and a will to stop fighting - and start kissing, haha. Violence is just a frenzy, one can get stuck in.
It is dangerous to stop a fight at night in a dingy place. But what was my risk? Worst case I'd be in hospital. The risk wasn't even that high, because a couple of the viewers probably knew me. That crazy chick that hangs out, yeah right, the bums think I'm crazy. Not so very different from what everybody else thinks, maybe I can change this.
Anyway, they would have stepped in, if I would have gotten beat up. Very unlikely somebody would have pulled a knife. Was I courageous? No, I was simply not afraid, it didn't take me anything. Are they going to fight again? Sure. I am only one person, and I changed only one situation by being a hot, fearless female. It was enough to get the guy out of his frenzy. Many people can change many situations. Be hot and fearless! :)
Was it silly? Yeah, a bit. It's good to be a bit silly, not over the top silly. Was it heroic? Small scale. Everybody should be more of a hero. Because what is happening with the few real heroes there are? They get killed, that's the current destiny of a hero. Under such circumstances I don't want to be a hero, but I can surely act more heroic. The mass, the majority, needs to take that destiny away from single people, who put themselves out there for the sake of humanity and risk their lives. Humanity doesn't need those old-school heroes. Humanity needs humanity. Solid.
It was a cool night at c-squat, we played guitar, good old guitar circle style, Mikey sang Emo songs. We threw all our money together for food, good food, yay, and beer. Good chats, good sisterhood :). We were in Shane's room, without Shane, with Enoch, Ariel and whoever stopped by. I did my bloody hands, they all liked it a lot. They said, I should always wear them.
On a side note, I loved it: That guy joined our sit in, whose name I'm leaving out for privacy. He is known to beat up people weaker than him and act like a violent asshole, which recently lead to getting his girlfriend into hospital, so she moved out and broke up with him. She is quite the strong person, I know her a bit. I never talked to him though, so I asked him to tell me his story, the story of the bad guy, and he said: "I have a problem and I am in therapy for this now - the real deal. I am doing something." Thanks to c-squat for not giving up on the dude and throwing him out, and thanks for changing my mind, because I was wrong, when my opinion was, to kick him on the street. I'll listen more to you, c-squat. And all my best wishes to you, brother.
All right, this turned out to be quite the cheesy post about peace, love and happiness. I'll become more radical with this for your entertainment, I promise. Rock on, sisters!