
Facing challenges

I want to be faster.
  • A lot of work and contributions are coming in, and I don't have a proper place and way to show this figured out. Maybe ask people if they can host their work themselves online?
  • Art is so random, and a lot is simply not good. In order for "Bloody Hands" to become good, it needs to be framed correctly and presented correctly. Time for a manifest and some strong demands to oneself. I need a well structured plan.
  • The excitement of people as force is fantastic, and I am responsible to keep it going and accelerating. I need a happening. I am thinking the 2nd launch date at Mars bar. I need to invite people and use the social sites, that I have been prepping for this. Group action!
  • The business cards are in. I need to wear the hands. Individual action!
  • I need to have some guts and start talking to people I don't know yet. I had a very scary idea this morning: contact Klaus Biesenbach! (He is Director of P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Chief Curator at Large at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, and Founding Director of Kunst-Werke (KW) Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin). I've seen him at parties and openings, but I never dared walking up to him. Why can I have such a napoleonesque idea attempting to present "Bloody Hands" to him? I suck... but actually the idea is brilliant. And as I know myself, I will do it. I'm a shocker to myself. I wonder, if I should weave this into a launch. I'll think about it.
  • I think I want to start speaking, hold lectures. Now how am I going to do that (in a non-ridiculous way)? And who wants to listen? Where?
  • The aesthetics. Now here is a lot of invention necessary. I saw the exhibition "experimental geography" @ the graduate center yesterday. It was done very professionally and easy on the eyes. Other than an old Francis Alys video, the moving a hill one, there was nothing unique aesthetically there though. A very proper presentation of what has been done for ages.

    I was going through thinking, yeah this is what Cosima von Bonin and Rosi Trockel invented, Spurensuche! Boltanski, the chalk boards are Beuys - a lot (still) is, this artists name I forgot, but I remember what museum I saw that in. It was interdisciplinary, good, good.

    It was interactive... geee, "Bloody Hands" can by no means become that! In the hall they exhibited visitors contributions of "art work". I mean, the idea is nice and if everybody is an artist (which I consider a false statement), then there are damn bad artists out there. Quality is a must. Great people are on this already, who have better aesthetics developed than I have. That is great. But lot just doesn't have any yet.

    I can be an elitist and populist at the same time. It's not a problem. But how??? how am I going to steer this right. I despise Goethe, but his "Zauberlehrling" has always been a good lecture to me "the spirits that I called". Work Nikki, work! Focus and work!

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