
Nikki York provides a selection of the material, she has been looking at or reading while developing "Bloody Hands"

Virtual museums. Just take a cyber stroll and look:
  1.  Performance.  (Gilbert & George, Beuys, Smithson, Filo, Paik, Nauman, Burden, Acconci)

Reads Art:
  1. Andy Warhol, Pat Hackett: POPism - The Warhol Sixties, Harcourt, 1980 
  2. Social Sculpture. Wikipedia article.
  3. Gesamtkunstwerk. Wikipedia article.

Reads Philosophy:
  1. Jacques Derrida: No Apocalypse. Not Now (Full Speed Ahead. 7 Missiles, 7 Missives). 
  2. Jacques Derrida: Of an apocalyptic undertone recently raised in philosophy. 
  3. Amazon Preview: Edited by Richard Dellamora: Postmodern Apocalypse.