
Planning the third launch: Take me to your leader!

More and more people are following the development of Bloody Hands. And you can be sure, I'm sacrifying my life to this to the minimum/maximum. I only sleep hourly, eat whenever I don't forget, putting myself on a structured plan, because otherwise I do forget... shelter not a problem, catch some sunlight... oh well, not today, haha, all energy goes into this.

So, here is the plan: The next launch is called "Take me to your leader". I have no specific date for it yet. I'm talking and talking and working and working, and the majority of people are amused, entertained... or they don't get it. The minority, and I love you guys so much, resonates. We speak the same language.

I can only talk to people, who are speaking the same language like me (it doesn't need to be English, haha, I call it the language of the heart, and yes, I am lovy-dovy by nature :), but I certainly am no softy... I'm working on being more soft, haha).

I am reaching out right about now, mainly within the underworld, the sub-culture. On all levels though. I am talking to a philosophy professor as well for example and his philosophy surely isn't underground, but since none of you probably ever read a book of his, this is underworld as well. I am also in convos with spiritual, economical, political, and so on, and so on "leaders" as far as my network goes.

The Bloody Hands go in two directions from now on: vertical and horizontal.
Vertical as in spreading and making aware in quantity, addressing masses. We are the people, we have the power! *raises her hands laughing*
Horizontal as in narrowing the energy to focus in a qualitative direction, addressing special people, who are having effectively more power than others. They are the people, they have the power! *lowers her hands, sad about not knowing who to talk to.*

Who are our leaders, smaller and bigger? My next step is to find out. I want everybody's opinion please. I want names please :), real people's names.

In an ideal world, Bloody Hands will be beautifully balanced out vertically and horizontally as social sculpture. Meaning that the energy, contribution, creativity, etc. from the masses - and fine, fine, there is a lot - equals the energy of the special people, so the sculpture grows in both directions equally for proper statics and a beautiful aesthetic.
They would feed off of each other, without exploiting each other, the two dimensions. Right now, I am feeling an overweight of the vertical axis (which is not sufficiently to the benefit of the people supporting this), that is why I am working on the horizontal. Our third axis, that makes the sculpture 3d is time. I 'am evaluating, that the time dimension is cool for now, pretty chill. This is a young initiative.

That's the status :)!

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