
Today is another philosophy day (Why you are a suicidal drug-addict and probably aren't aware of it. Yes, exactly you!)

Some people really can't help but think their brain into knots, and some people can't help but express themselves creatively. I belong to both groups and most of the time I struggle with it and tell myself "don't cry, work".

If I want art to significantly transform society, and I do, how is it going to work?

Jean-Paul said to me yesterday: "Only poets read poems and only artists look at art." That is a concerning reality. Given that there are non-artists going to exhibitions, one could argue, that the group of art lovers - and out of free choice visiting an exhibition - consists of artists, failed artists, wanna-be artists and people who consciously or subconsciously see themselves as artists, who for good reasons don't do the job.

Then there are art-agnostics, who are sometimes forced to visit an exhibition (school trip, social event, etc.), and art-haters, artheists, (gee, I'm so funny), who I don't feel like writing about just now.

How spacious is the ivory tower art lovers are sitting in, and are they ever communicating with the rest of the world?

The people in the ivory towers are the people who have the true power to transform the world. They are an elite. Not only in art, but also in philosophy, politics, spirituality, science... any field. They are specialist, have more knowledge in their field than everybody else, and they live in gated communities that have access to flick switches for transformation.

When it comes to transformation, this is not a democratic process, it's oligarchic (reigning of a few). I doubt that the few are solely kings of their discipline. With kings I am referring to Plato, whose ideal state is lead by philosopher kings. That sucks!

Do we have to tear down ivory towers like the Bastille in the french revolution and cut off the queen's and king's heads? For a revolution yes, for a transformation, no. Revolutions are bloody and violent, my attempt to transform via "Bloody Hands" is an "as if" scenario, bloody via symbolism. That's a good thing. It avoids real blood, and in the violent blood case, it avoids real violence.

Ivory tower people are not bad, not at all. I am extremely unhappy about their success in many areas though. That answers the question, why I want to transform this world: my individual unhappieness, that I share with a vast majority of other individuals summed up in the collective of one conscious humanity. The majority is certainly unhappy about the amount of pain we are inflicting onto ourselves (and that is inflicted by non humans such as viruses or nature) in this world - as group and as individual. That is reason enough to be motivated to transform: avoiding pain.

I want to go further and be more specific than avoiding pain though, because that discussion is endless. Let's say an individual is motivated with good reason to avoid its own unnatural death. Our bodies are, they breathe and work for staying alive as best as possible, and we can only stop it by violent acts. Most of us are doing a great job staying alive. Our egos make that happen. Some individuals have incredibly huge egos, haha. There is a turning point when egos are no longer helpful, but that's another discussion.

When it comes to one humanity, the collective sucks. It should be highly motivated to avoid its survival, but it spends a vast amount of its resources on figuring out how to commit suicide. How do we most effectively destroy the environment we need to survive? How can we most effectively kill as many human cells as possible? Why else are whole nations interested in crafting nuclear weapons? A suicidal individual we consider sick and tend to want to transform it and help. A suicidal humanity we don't even want to acknowledge as such. Our self-awareness of collective humanity nearly equals zero.

So where are the ivory tower inhabitants, who traveled the world, who could raise self-awareness, initiate reasonable changes and heal a sickening humanity? They are there, they try, as individuals and as groups. They so far successfully managed to maintain survival. But that's about it. They need help. It does not matter where this help is coming from. Art is my candidate of choice.

Whoever I talk to agrees to me. It makes me nervous and excited.

Alex said the other day. "Sure we could change things, we are billions of people. If all of us would say "Hey, we want to destroy all nuclear weapons" then we could create a world in which nuclear weapons don't exist. Nobody could do anything about it, we would just get rid of them. But we don't say that. I'm too lazy to say it." (A humanity without nuclear weapons and reactors, might or might not be more violent than now, but it would no longer be evidently suicidal).

... all right, who wants to read this (and I didn't even start writing what I initially intended)? Nobody? I'm wasting time. Off to action.

Oh, I' still in the mojo, my action will consist of making this more provocative, it's fun.

Why you are a suicidal drug addict, Yes, you!

You are living in at least one ivory tower, a tiny one, you are a reader of this blog. You most probably inhibit more than one ivory tower.

I determined the collective of humanity as suicidal above. In order to stop being suicidal we need to stop messing with forces that we have no to limited control over. These forces have similar traits like drugs. They can be good, they can help and heal, they can be recreational and illegal, BUT they have an uncontrollable element that leads to addiction and in some cases to a slow form of suicide. A person who is not addicted to a drug can still die of it, but the risk is remarkably diminished.

Every inhabitant of an ivory tower is a responsible and powerful part of humanity, leading it to some extend.
You might want to agree to that. I know that there are utterly unconscious humans out there, who have no connection whatsoever to the collective, while still being part of it. If I talk to them like this, they have no interest, will or capacity of understanding me.

I'm only giving this one example of nuclear energy, I could also exemplify this with money, technology and many other things.
There is nothing bad with those things in itself, just like with drugs, but the one element, the addictive element and the potential for successful suicide, should keep you interested.

Nuclear energy, what an invention! Can it kill humanity on a different level, than let's say a knife? Yes. Can we completely control it? Humanity decided that it can and uses it, and incidents like Tschernobyl and Hiroshima did not stop it from using it. Is humanity addicted to nuclear power? Yes. Even if we would stop making atoms react, for energy or for weapons, the reactions from our previous behavior would not stop. We are already addicted. We cannot get out. We're doomed.

Good for now. What does it have to do with "Bloody Hands"? "Bloody Hands" raises individual awareness, and possibly collective awareness, and possibly effectively transforms this world.

I trust in you!

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