"Bloody Hands" is intended to create a "Gesamtkunstwerk", a universal artwork, developing the Wagnarian approach of art further. It means including all artistic disciplines or many of them, which I find very suitable for today's artist, who is not merely a painter, or a musician, or, or, or anymore, but usually engaged on many levels to express her or his art.
If art wants to change society, it has to affect more than only one sense.
So filtered under that aspect, I will give you an update of what happened so far via quoting letters I received and my diary.
Aww, I'm actually so impressed by how phenomenally this is coming together! Let me give you a list of people, who already became active, and their main or professional field of art.
Remy - video artist
Martin - theater director and musician
Henning - rockstar
Sonja - graphic designer
Courtney - choreographer and dancer
Jean Paul - photo artist and poet
Alex - writer and poet
Courtney - writer
Stephan - tba
Ramin - tba
Francis - painter and architect
Gerhard - painter
Reginald - fashion designer and performer
Soma - artist and performer
Andreas - composer
Veronica - writer
Yeah, given, that hardly anybody knows about "Bloody Hands" yet, this is great. Change in plan: I have to go, but I will write more later.
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