
The tragedy of the impossibility to understand a narcisisst's beauty ;)

Now there is one big question:
What's coming next?

And it took me a while, but I have the answer(s).
  1. More people need to color their hands red, that's my strong opinion. So it needs further motivating. Do it. Do it. Do it. It works. For sure.
  2. I would like to have all the work exhibited or made public in a great way. I'm looking at spaces, places, events. It's a matter of insisting and believe me: I do. My secret name is stubborn... ha, not so secret, but I'd like to believe it was.
  3. I will submit this project to any "call for artists" that work for it.
The current status is, that I am finding myself utterly misplaced in Berkeley, California. That's an experience. One needs to be a college student in order to not be misplaced here. For artists in Berkeley it seems mandatory to have white hair, grow a mustache if female, or generally sport repulsive outerwear. (I discovered "repulsive" as one of my new favorite words just about today, I would definitely like to be more repulsive in the right context... up to the point of causing a puke battle orgy).

I could tune into this, if I wouldn't be such an arrogant narcissist who rather indulges in sentences like "it sucks to be me" than picking up the local or contemporary mojo. It's great fun.

If I want to submit an entry for a contest, I need to start working on representation. I could do more performances or happenings or deeds and actions, but I only see this as necessary when it serves to keep the stone rolling. The stone however is rolling. And I'm happy to announce that it is rolling organically, as one of my critics mentioned (while turning me down) that "Bloody Hands" needs to grow organically. I agree.

More artist work is in the pipe, and I'm super, super happy, that one of my favorite artists just wrote me yesterday, that he wants to participate. Effin awesome. Yeah, so how do I represent this properly and in a unique, yet understandable way?

I'm not enough in love with myself to continuously put out. It's really not about me. It is SOCIAL SCULPTURE. The problem is, that mostly nobody seems to get, what I mean with this yet. And that is very understandable. It has not, and - to my knowledge - it has never been successful anywhere at any time yet. It does not exist yet. So how could one understand it?

I could take before and after pictures... and nobody would see the difference. Is social sculpture invisible then? Holy moly, I think it is. Damn, it sucks for a sculpture to be invisible. So it would be one of my tasks to make the invisible visible then. That's definitely legitimate work of an artist. That's so intellectual though. Me dislikey-likey.

But I'm rambling. More pictures :)
I found an artsy video I did in 2003 that definitely shows bloody hands as main act. It shall appear here as soon as I edited it for youtube.
Nikki York, "How come", video, 2003


More pictures!

Long time no posts. Well, this is going to change, because I mostly finished the traveling of the last months - and finally Halloween is over, which wasn't that great for "Bloody Hands".
I'm in Berkeley now, wondering, if the West coast is ready for some bloody hands. Just kidding, why wouldn't they.

More pictures! Now!

Brigid Anderson, 2100

Brigid Anderson, 2010

Brigid Anderson, 2010

Brigid Anderson is an artist from Hamburg, Germany. She has a fashion label, plays in the goth group "pink turns blue" (yes, famous band) and does all sorts of fun creative things. You can look at her stuff here www.violettasworld.com . Category: totally cool chick.

Francis Milloy, 2010

Francis Milloy, 2010

Francis Milloy, 2010

Francis Milloy, 2010

Francis Milloy, 2010

Francis Milloy is a Scottish artist in New York. He paints and draws, and professionally does light design, urban planing, basically architecture related work...

Jean Paul Niko, 2010

Jean Paul Niko I have written about quite a bit already on this blog. He said this would be his final contribution to "Bloody Hands". I can see why.

Amazing work. I'm totally blown away. I'm going to update the next steps of "Bloody Hands" within the next days. Thanks to everybody. Awesome.